St. Paul's United Methodist Church 

Connecting, Serving, and Sharing God's Love. 

Shawnee, Oklahoma

You Are Welcome Here

At St. Paul's United Methodist Church, we are a community of Christ followers who serve, worship, and grow together in
both our physical location in the heart of downtown Shawnee and online, connecting from wherever God has placed us.

We believe we are called to the mission of making disciples by
connecting, serving, and sharing in the love of Christ to all of God's children for the transformation of the world.

The menu for this week is pasta shells and salad.  
Bring your favorite salad dressing or dessert to share. 
CVLI License Number: 505419764      CCLI License Number:  2053781

Do Unto Others

Finding Common Ground
Acts 17:22-28
How do you want to be treated? Think about it for a moment. Do you want to be met with kindness, understanding, and respect? Most of us do. And this simple idea, known as the Golden Rule—"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"—is a powerful guide for how we can live and love. This teaching is not just a Christian principle; versions of it appear in many of the world’s major religions. It speaks to something deeply human in all of us—the desire for connection, for peace, for being treated with dignity. And in a time when division and polarization seem to dominate our country, our communities, and even our churches, it feels like we are farther apart than ever. But we don’t have to stay that way. Jesus offers us a better way. He calls us to live out this Golden Rule, to bridge divides, and to love one another in the way we ourselves long to be loved. Imagine if we embraced this—truly embraced it. We could heal wounds, soften hearts, and bring people together again, starting right where we are. Join us for this 3-Week Series in Worship as we draw near to national elections.

If you would like to view past services, please click the tab "Media Library" at the top of the page.