St. Paul's United Methodist Church 

Connecting, Serving, and Sharing God's Love. 

Shawnee, Oklahoma

You Are Welcome Here

At St. Paul's United Methodist Church, we are a community of Christ followers who serve, worship, and grow together in
both our physical location in the heart of downtown Shawnee and online, connecting from wherever God has placed us.

We believe we are called to the mission of making disciples by
connecting, serving, and sharing in the love of Christ to all of God's children for the transformation of the world.

CVLI License Number: 505419764      CCLI License Number:  2053781

Reach Into The World
Isaiah 55:1-5, Luke 1:46-55

Taking a stand against the sins of our day, our tradition of Social Holiness, our commitment to such forthright moral witness and ethical actions guide us into a Lenten Season of repentance, fasting and preparation of Christ’s return.

As we focus on our relationship with God, God focuses on transforming disciples and extending Jesus' reach into the world. Join us this Lent for the recognition of the Golden Rule and centering ourselves in the Mind of Christ as the supreme laws of society and the sure remedy for the most pressing social concerns in the world today.

Our faith doesn’t just gather dust on a shelf somewhere, it is lived out in our choices/actions as we challenge systems that prevent complete justice from being realized in the world.

If you would like to view past services, please click the tab "Media Library" at the top of the page.  

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Disciple Fast Track Bible Study
Wednesdays 6:00-8:00 pm
2nd Floor